Lilac Blue London has long had a reputation as a trusted and experienced seller of Hermes bags,in particular the Birkin, the Kelly and the Constance and indeed a great deal of our time is spent sourcing these beautiful bags for clients around the world.  What is less well known is that we also have plenty of expertise with other brands including Chanel, Vuitton and Goyard and have many loyal customers who ask us to help them find their favourite bag.

Featured here are just a few of the amazing bags we have available right now, these are our current favourites but that may change soon – there are plenty more on our website to choose from.

If you’re a fan of the Chanel Flap Bag then take a look at this particularly special one , a beautiful dusky pink Chanel Mini Classic Flap in Crocodile.  Chanel are no longer making bags in crocodile so this is one of the last brand new Croc Flap bags out there – a rare beauty!

Louis Vuitton followers will know that Virgil Abloh has got everyone talking with his fabulous Fibre Optic Keepall, quite possibly the most amazing bag we’ve  seen:

The Goyard Mini Saigon is not a new design by any means but it’s still a much prized possession and is a cute little bag which can be carried in the hand or worn on the shoulder, we have a black Mini Saigon and another in Natural which features two wooden strips on the front – both have hand carved wooden handles.

These are only three examples of what we have, take a look at our website for the full list of bags from non Hermes designers, and if you don’t see what you want do get in touch via WhatsApp +44 7887 409934 and we’ll do our very best to help you find it.  .